Watch “Bathroom interviews” on YouTube

Going to be starting an interview series of authors here is the first with some strange lady in my bathroom.

Published by Matthew Whiteside

I am a writer, a storyteller, a yarn-spinning freakazoid. My life is full of two things today, lessons and blessings. I write fiction mostly but I also love to write about my life and the things I go through on a daily basis. Writing it out inspires and motivates me and that's why I do it. Plus if it does that for me maybe it will for someone else too.

24 thoughts on “Watch “Bathroom interviews” on YouTube

  1. This is very cool interview 😀 and it’s also great to see some more creative stuff on your blog and channel! WTG! I loved your guest, very talented, very real and such an inspiration as well 🙂 Greetings to her as well

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are both hilarious. I love the concept. And I think it’s a great idea to stage all the interviews in the bathroom since that’s the only place any adult with children can find any peace. Actually, even that doesn’t work in my house…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha! That is not the part that terrifies me. I am not used to being on camera. Or talking to people in real time in any capacity. You’ll have to be prepared to edit out a lot of video of me staring blankly at the screen while I compose my answer in my head 😂

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      2. I will have to get back to you on that one… which is actually not me avoiding the question! I live out in the boonies and we don’t have Internet. I have to access the “uniweb” on my phone which usually doesn’t have good enough signal for video calling.

        I can probably get into the city and borrow my dad’s house/bathroom/wifi at some point, though.

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  3. Great interview! Really enjoyed your guest, it was so real and relaxed it almost made me feel like I was eavesdropping on a conversation. Much success to you both!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You it was a lot of fun its hard to be serious when you’re in a bathroom. I am doing lots of other interviews as well I hope you will check those out to. Thanks for watching and commenting.


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